Getting to Know Kevin George Alcantara

Interviewer: Thank you for joining us today. Let’s start with your decision to attend the first day of training despite your ankle injury. What motivated you to make that choice?

Kevin George Alcantara: I still went to the first day of training even though I have an ankle injury because I wanted to show the management, coaching staff, team, and everyone else involved that I am 100% committed to the team. I didn’t want to miss anything that the coaches would teach us. Also, I wanted to help in any way that I could.

Interviewer: It’s commendable that you prioritize commitment. How would you describe your experience during the training session?

Kevin George Alcantara: The training was nice. Of course, the coaches did not really give the team a hard time because it was the first time that the team trained together.

Interviewer: Moving on to the club itself, what are your thoughts on its management and the overall outlook?

Kevin George Alcantara: My thoughts on the club are that the management is well prepared. I know that this is a new club, but I am excited for the future of this club.

Interviewer: Lastly, how do you perceive the coaching style employed by the coaching staff?

Kevin George Alcantara: I like the style of the coaches. They want the team to play together. Short passes, everyone involved with the build-up play, not just playing the long ball and running to get it.

Interviewer: Thank you for sharing your insights. It’s clear that your commitment and positive outlook will be valuable assets to the team. We wish you the best in your journey with Manila Montet FC and let’s go Montet!

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